The right to a thorough defense investigation
is the cornerstone of our judicial system
No matter how serious the charges, or how clear-cut the case, the right to a thorough defense investigation is the cornerstone of our judicial system; that’s why the area’s top criminal defense attorneys turn to Maxus Investigation to deliver insightful and comprehensive investigative work. Led by felony defense investigator and former federal agent Michael Stewart, Maxus Investigation works with established criminal defense attorneys in King, Pierce, Snohomish, Island and Kitsap counties.
Maxus Investigation is not a jack-of-all-trades Private Investigation firm; we only handle serious State and Federal felonies.
- Murder
- Sex Crimes
- Assault
- Arson
- Domestic Terrorism
- Narcotics
- Firearms
- Robbery
- Burglary
- Explosives
What We Do
- Client, Alleged Victim and Witness Interviews
- Evidence Collection/Examination
- Trial Preparation
- Defense Witness Testimony
Felony Criminal Defense Investigator since January 2015
Department of Justice, Special Agent/Supervisory Special Agent 1989 to 2014 (Retired)
The Maxus Advantage:
- 25 Years of conducting Investigations on behalf of the Department of Justice/ATF
- Hundreds of cases in private practice supported by testimonials and endorsements by the top criminal defense attorneys in Washington State
- Proven success on both sides of the aisle